VOLUNTEER FORM NAME * First Name Last Name STREET ADDRESS * CITY * STATE * ZIP CODE * PHONE NUMBER * CELL NUMBER * EMAIL * DRIVER'S LICENSE AND STATE OF ISSUE PLEASE CHECK ALL BOXES THAT INTEREST YOU VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Local Community Museum Liaison Tour Guide, Greeter, Docent Store Clerk & Cash Register Building and Grounds Maintenance Fund Raising Office Assistant Library Maintenance & Organization Weapons Maintenance Costumed or Period Re-enactor Artifact Processing & Restoration Exhibit Construction & Development Volunteer Coordinator Other PLEASE TELL US WHEN YOU ARE AVAILABLE TO VOLUNTEER OR OTHER WAYS YOU'D LIKE TO VOLUNTEER * EDUCATION & TRAINING BACKGROUND High School College and Degree Other Training Have you ever been convicted of a Misdemeanor, Gross Misdemeanor, or Felony, to include DWI but excluding petty misdemeanors and traffic offenses? YES NO I authorize the Minnesota Military Museum and Camp Ripley Security through the MN Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to conduct a Background Check on me. I swear or affirm that the information I have provided is true and correct, and I understand that any purposeful misrepresentation of facts shall be considered grounds to exclude me from this volunteer opportunity. * YOUR SIGNATURE & DATE (TYPING YOUR NAME AND DATE WILL BE CONSIDERED YOUR SIGNATURE) Thank you!