Suggested Lesson Plans
These lesson plans—extracted from a series called Dateline—were written by a career teacher who taught American history in a central Minnesota high school. As a WWII veteran, he recognized that his students needed a better grasp of this nation’s wars if they were to comprehend the history of an evolving America. He also recognized that many of his students struggled to understand the available history textbooks. His solution: write his own texts. “Dateline” is the result, a condensation of pertinent facts, using graphics with easy-to-read text, to convey core historical messages and themes. They are designed for grades 7-12. A local teacher used them successfully with seventh graders for many years.
You could use them with our Traveling Trunks for the Civil War, First World War, Second World War, and Vietnam. Each lesson has content text, easy-to-use worksheets, and a teacher's answer key. Try them. We think you’ll like them.
Permission to copy and use these materials with your students has been given by the publisher: Main Street Press, 313 Main Street S., Sauk Centre, MN 65378. (Verification is available from the Minnesota Military Museum.)
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Civil War Lessons
The first troops of the American Expeditionary Force arrive in France, June 1917 (US Army/National Archives)
American troops land at Normandy, France, under heavy machine gund fire, June 6, 1944. (US Army/National Archives)
Peace marchers at the state capitol in St. Paul, May 1970. As the war dragged on, anti-war sentiment grew into a movement. No other war in US history was as controversial. (St. Paul Pioneer Press/Minnesota Historical Society)
General Ulysses S. Grant, commander of the Union Army, in the field at Cold Harbor, VA, 1865. (Matthew Brady/National Archives)
An American soldier uses an M79 Grenade Launcher to guide helicopters into an operation in South Vietnam's Mekong Delta, July 1968. (Henri Huet/AP
American sailors look on while Japanese officials formally surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Sept. 2, 1945. (US Army/AP)