New Museum Site & Facility

Coming Summer 2026: Our grand opening! Get a sneak peek with a virtual tour.

General John W. Vessey Jr.

Cold War Solider & Statesman

Reagan's General: General John Vessey by COL (Ret) John Morris

General John Vessey: Interview Excerpts

In Case Your Missed it: Our RESOLUTE Series

Minnesota Stories of 9/11 & The War (Trailer)

Minnesota Stories of 9/11 & The War (Full Length)

Minnesota Stories of 9/11 & The War (part 1)

Minnesota Stories of 9/11 & The War (part 2)

Minnesota Stories of 9/11 & The War (part 3)

Minnesota Stories of 9/11 & The War (part 5)

Minnesota Stories of 9/11 & The War (part 4)

RESOLUTE Stories from Kabul

Minnesota Stories from Kabul (26-min cut)

Minnesota Stories from Kabul (Full Length)

RESOLUTE The Traveling Exhibition

RESOLUTE Weekend in New Prague (2023)

RESOLUTE Weekend in Duluth (2022)

GWOT - Global War on Terror

MN in the Global War on Terrorism: Post-9/11 Profiles

GWOT Memorial Briefing & OIF 20th Anniversary

Veterans Revisit Operations Allies Refuge & Allies Welcome

9/11 Remembrance

9/11 Day of Remembrance at the MN State Capitol (9/11/21)

General Joseph Votel: 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Minnesota Names of the Fallen (Post-9/11)

REVISITING FLIGHT 93 with Tom McMillan

World War II

2022 Pearl Harbor Remembrance

Betty Strohfus, WWII WASP

Remember Pearl Harbor: Richard Thill

MN Military Appreciation

MN Medal of Honor Memorial Ceremony

MMAF Remarks by Secretary James Mattis

Brigadier General Ray Miller — father of the National Guard (KSTP-TV)

Veterans Celebration: New Ulm, MN