Traveling Trunk Program

Bring history to life

The Minnesota Military Museum offers a Traveling Trunk Program to help bring history to life in schools, libraries, other museums, or youth groups.  Each trunk focuses on a specific war and contains an assortment of items—original or reproduction—that would have been commonly used by soldiers during that time in our nation’s history.  The contents of these trunks can be used for research, exhibition, or as a hands-on educational resource that piques student interest in history by engaging them in object-based learning.

Trunks are available for the Civil War, World War One, World War Two, and the Vietnam War. Scroll down to “What’s in the Trunk” to see contents.

Communities Utilizing Our Traveling Trunks Curriculum

Alexandria, Anoka, Apple Valley, Avon, Balaton, Baxter, Bloomington, Buffalo, Burtrum, Cambridge, Chaska, Chisholm, Collegeville, Cockatoo, Dassel, Dilworth, Duluth, Eagan, Elk River, Elysian, Farmington, Forest Lake, Grand Rapids, Henderson, Hibbing, Hinkley, Isle, Jordan, Little Falls, Long Prairie, Longview, Luverne, Mankato,Procedures Melrose, Milton, Minneapolis, Mora, Motley, Pillager, Pipestone, Plymouth, Sauk Rapids, SLayton, St. Paul, St. Peter, Staples, Stewartville, Upsala, Wabasso, Waverly, Webster, Wells, Willmar, Wrenshall, Wyoming

Trunk FAQs

How do I reserve a Traveling Trunk?

Download and fill out a Traveling Trunk Loan Agreement form.  Then mail it to the museum, fax it, or scan it and send as a PDF attachment in an email.  The agreement form must be received at least two weeks prior to the desired date of use.  Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis.

How long can I keep a trunk?

Trunks are loaned for three weeks, inclusive of shipping.  Upon request, they may be renewed for an additional two weeks if the renewal does not conflict with other scheduled requests.

What does it cost?

Trunks are available free of charge.

How do I pick up and return my Traveling Trunk?

Two-way shipping may be available through the state’s inter-library loan courier system (Minitex). This means that your trunk can be picked up at a cooperating library nearby and returned to the museum in the same way.  Call or email us to see if this option is available to you.  Borrowers may come in person to the museum to pick up and return a trunk during regular museum visiting hours. 

What are my responsibilities?

As borrower, you must agree to return the trunk by the due date.  You are also responsible for its care and security while in your possession.  You are not liable for wear and tear of trunk contents as a result of normal use, but you may be held accountable for any damage or loss that occurs due to abuse or neglect.

What’s in the Trunk?

American Civil War (1861-1865)

  • Contains uniform and field items commonly used by soldiers in the Union and Confederate armies. All items are reproductions.

    Union blue sack coat

    Confederate frock coat with sergeant stripes

    Confederate trousers

    Red flannel shirt (worn by men of the 1st Minnesota in early stages of the war)

    White pullover shirt

    Boots (also known as “Brogans”)

    Confederate kepi (cap)

    Union kepi (cap)

    Black slouch hat with light blue infantry cord (worn by both Union and Confederate troops)

    Tin drinking cup/cooking pot

    Union haversack, black waterproofed

    Confederate haversack, white cotton drill

    Union canteen, tin with blue wool cover and cork stopper

    Confederate canteen, wood with cork stopper

    Black leather Union belt with US brass buckle

    Black leather Confederate belt with square buckle

    Black leather cartridge pouch (holds ammunition)

    The trunk also includes illustrations that show what a typical Union and Confederate soldier would wear and carry.

  • Contains uniform and field items commonly used by soldiers in the Union and Confederate armies. All items are reproductions.

    Union sack coat with sergeant stripes

    Union “kersey” blue trousers

    Union kepi (cap)

    Black slouch hat. (worn by both Union and Confederate troops)

    Red flannel shirt (worn by men of the 1st Minnesota during early stages of the war)

    Black wool trousers (worn by men of the 1st Minnesota with the red shirt during early stages of the war)

    Confederate “shell” jacket (commonly worn by cavalry and artillery units, but also in limited numbers by infantry)

    Boots (also known as “Brogans”)

    Union canteen, tin with blue wool cover and cork stopper

    Confederate canteen, tin

    Black leather Union belt with US brass buckle

    Black leather cap pouch (worn on belt and holds percussion caps for the rifled musket)

    Black leather cartridge pouch (holds ammunition)

    Cooking tin/coffee pot

    Union haversack, black waterproofed

    The trunk also includes illustrations that show what a typical Union and Confederate soldier would wear and carry.

World War I (1914-1918 / US 1917-1918)

  • Contains representative examples of field gear and a uniform commonly worn by US “Doughboys” in France during WWI. Unless noted, all items are original and not reproductions.

    M-1917 US steel helmet with reproduction liner/chinstrap

    US gas mask bag with foam filler (for shape), complete with all straps and fasteners

    Service coat, US enlisted, wool

    Ration tin containing Fray Bentos Prepared Beef ('Bully Beef' reproduction)

    Breeches, US enlisted, wool

    Leggings, spiral wrap, wool

    Overseas cap, US enlisted, wool

    Cartridge belt (reproduction)

    Overcoat, US enlisted, wool

    First Aid packet pouch (reproduction)

    M-1910 canteen

    M-1910 canteen cup

    M-1910 canteen cover

    M-1910 field pack

    M-1910 pack “tail”

    M-1910 shovel and cover (reproduction)

    The trunk also includes posters, newspapers and illustrations of uniforms of the WWI era, as well as a field pack layout.


    M-1917 US enlisted coat. Engineer collar insignia. A nice sample of the typical coat worn by a “Doughboy” in France.

    Enlisted overseas cap with Engineer device on front

    M-1917 Steel helmet as worn by US soldiers in France

    Gas mask bag. Bag only, no mask but has foam filler to give it shape.

    M-1910 Canteen cover (reproduction)

    M-1910 Cup, with canteen

    M-1910 Cartridge belt (reproduction)

    M-1910 Haversack field pack (reproduction)

    M-1910 Intrenching tool cover (reproduction)

    M-1910 Intrenching tool

    M-1904 First-aid pouch (reproduction)

    First-aid packet in metal tin (reproduction)

    M-1910 mess kit


    “Fray Bentos” bully beef tin WITH edible contents

    Condiment can

    M-1916 Bacon tin


    German enlisted mans’ field coat (reproduction)

    M-1916 steel helmet (reproduction)

    Belt buckle

    2 Ammunition pouches

World War II (1939-1945 / US 1941-1945)

  • Contains representative items used by both Allied and Axis troops during WWII. Unless noted, all items are original and not reproductions.

    US M-1941 field jacket (reproduction)

    GI wool trousers and shirt with sergeant stripes

    GI wool sweater (1980’s, but identical to WWII style)

    US Enlisted garrison cap

    US M-1 steel helmet with reproduction chinstraps

    US M-1 helmet liner (Korean War era but same as WWII)

    German helmet with reproduction liner

    US Canteen and cup with reproduction cover

    US mess kit

    US M-1923 cartridge belt (reproduction)

    US M-1928 field pack with mess kit pouch attached to pack

    US Mess kit dated 1944, with knife, fork, and spoon

    US M-1942 first aid pouch (reproduction)

    US M-1936 suspenders (reproduction)

    US Army Service Gas Mask

    US Soldier’s Handbook

    US Leggings size 6 pair

    An assortment of US badges, medals and patches (individually numbered and identified on the inventory contained in the trunk)

    12 art prints showing uniforms worn by Allied and Axis forces during the war

Vietnam War (1965-1975 / US 1965-1973)

  • Contains a representative sample of items commonly used by American troops during the Vietnam War. All items are original and not reproductions.

    M1 US steel helmet

    US helmet liner

    Helmet cover, US, jungle camouflage pattern

    Jungle combat boots, US

    Combat trousers, US, tropical

    Jacket/shirt, US, tropical 3rd pattern jungle with 4th Infantry Division patch

    “Boonie” hat, US, tropical camouflage

    Special Forces Green Beret, US

    Hot weather “baseball” cap, US

    M1956 web belt with suspenders, US

    1 quart canteen, plastic, US (2 each)

    Canteen cup, metal, US (2 each)

    Canteen cover, US (2 each)

    M1956 ammo pouch, US (2 each)

    M1956 field pack, US

    Folding shovel, US

    M1956 shovel cover, US

    MX-991/U Army flashlight, US