The Sutler Store
The museum’s gift shop, the Sutler Store, offers military and Minnesota-themed books, souvenirs, gifts, caps, posters, toys, and a diverse selection of military surplus clothing and equipment. Merchandise is available for all branches of service, including retiree and reserve personnel. Proceeds directly support museum operations.
Visit the store regularly. New items are always being added. Sutler Store hours correspond to the museum exhibit hours.
Special Offer to Museum Members
All members of the museum will receive a 10% discount on all items in the store! For information on becoming a member, follow this link.
Featured Products
Minnesota, 1918
By: Curt Brown
List Price: $24.95
Our Price: $22
You Save: 12%
Camp Ripley, 1930-1960
By: Sandra Alcott Erickson
List Price: $21.99
Our Price: $19.95
You Save: 10%
Tell My Sons
By: Lt.Col. Mark M. Weber
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $8.99
You Save: 64%
Muddy Jungle Rivers
By: Wendell Affield
List Price: $19.95
Our Price: $14.95
You Save: 25%
A Ride With the Red Bulls
By: James Senn
List Price: $19.50
Our Price: $18.95
You Save: 3%
Roaring Bull
By: Brian Leehan
List Price: $39.99
Our Price: $25
You Save: 37%
Worn Out Veteran
Price: $15
Camp Ripley
Price: $10
Veteran and Service Caps
Price: $8
34th Infantry Division Patches Poster
Price: $16.95 framed
$8 unframed
Coffee Mugs
Price: $9.50
Stuffed Animals
Price: $7 - 11.95
Lapel Pins
Veteran Lapel Pins
Various Lapel Pins
Price: $2.50
Miscellaneous Lapel Pins